Why have I started?

My passion for drones started about four years ago, when during the Christmas holidays, my friend brought his drone to my house as his Christmas present and showed me how to fly. At that time, I was surprised at how high and fast this machine could fly and for the first time saw got a bird’s eye view of our neighbourhood. Then, I said to myself that I have to learn how to fly this drone, and needed to practice on the cheap model first to understand the functionality of every button and feel full control over the drone. That’s how my journey began. 


I bought an inexpensive basic drone and started to practice. That was the right decision to make because for a couple of months, I made dozens of «crushes» before I got my first ‘professional’ drone. Later, I took it with me on a family trip to the Caucasus Mountains, where I created my first film.

Since that moment, I have made over 10 footages of beautiful scenic locations from our family trips in different parts of the world, and I keep creating more. In total, I have a flying experience of over 100 hours. Now, my objective is to share this experience and knowledge with other people who are as enthusiastic about drones as me. Our TASIS drone club will bring together such committed and passionate people who are willing to learn theory and use it on practice flights.